Saturday, April 20, 2013


Walking away last night I was smiling thinking, "I only want Jesus."

God has done a lot in me this year and especially recently. I have really learned that what brings me most joy is Jesus's love for me and living a life of serving.

The few hugest things I've struggled to hold on to, want, obsess about, run to, look for satisfaction from etc.since eighth grade are now looking like nothing compared to serving my family, loving on kids, trusting God, and just leaving those silly things behind/not caring about them anymore. This is a big change.

There is no question I'm far from mature and have endless learning, growing, and renewing of my silly selfish mind and heart that needs to take place. My mind and heart constantly struggle with wanting silly things or focusing on silly things, but I am thankful that God reminds me that deep down in my soul it is Jesus I want and Jesus I need. And I am thankful for all the time I get to spend listening to love songs. Knowing that's the way Jesus loves me and I love Him. Knowing so deeply that nothing ever has or could or will come even a tiny bit close to loving or satisfying me like His romance does. Remembering the words about His love for me keeps me smiling all day.

Thank You God.

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