What is most important to you each day??
What do you want each day to be?
What to you are the most important things you want to include in each day?
These are things I think about a lot.
I am often not good, and it is often a struggle for us in this life, to actually put what we want to first.
For me: I just want to love.God and my family first. And my dear friends. Then everyone, my neighbor.
And to live each day as my last.
Pray for me to do these things more and more.
Cuz, honestly, nothing is a greater joy to me than doing these things out of love and thankfulness to God and love and thankfulness to my family and friends.
Just pray I actually do put my priorities first through my actions.
... But this post was more because I am curious to know YOUR answers. If you feel like responding, give them as detailed or undetailed as you want. :)
I am curious:
What is most important to you?
What do you want each day to be?
What is on your heart?
I like your answers but I know God is suppose to be first in our lives - but so hard to let Him lead!